Streaming media forwarding platform hardware and software (streaming media server) FT-CNGS-L1

This system offers centralized management of users, devices, and permissions, along with AI-driven features like face and voice recognition. It supports streaming media forwarding, video wall management, and integration with third-party software platforms. Additional capabilities include automatic data backup, scene control, and KVM seat management.
  • Supports direct streaming from IPC/DVS/DVR/NVR, and supports streaming from third-party security platforms
  • Supports front-end access such as GB/T28181 and ONVIF
  • Compatible with video encoding front-ends of mainstream third-party manufacturers at home and abroad
  • A full set of interface development kits can be provided to connect with third-party platforms
  • Supports setting function-level permissions for users to ensure safe operation of the system 6. Supports g
  • Parameter
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